- E J Thorne
- Been obsessed with books and writing since I was 8 years old. Then I lost it when I pursued writing in college. Now, I'm trying to find that drive again.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Broken-hearted Friend
I absolutely cannot believe this: three of my best friends are completely sure they are going to transfer to another school. I know they don't want to but they must. Two of them had to go away because they can't stay in Kuching anymore and the other is going to stay in a boarding school with her brother because of family problems.
Arine has to be in Bintangor with her parents and study in either a chinese school or a boarding school there while Natasha just couldn't stand the heat between her and her dad without her brother so she's going to SM Teknik Sejingkat. Last of all, Haizutul is the last to tell me this kind of news and is the first to go. She has to go Limbang because her dad is transferred there. Why must all of them go to a faraway place?
They have been the longest and truest friends I've ever had and I don't know who to be around with if I hadn't met them .I considered transferring to my mother's school but I'm afraid I might regret it. I don't even know why since I won't have anything to make me stay anymore. I'll just go back to being a lonely emo girl like I used to be in Year 6.
When growing up you'll lose friends you would always miss and keep in your heart. I hate the cruel truth of it all.
Arine has to be in Bintangor with her parents and study in either a chinese school or a boarding school there while Natasha just couldn't stand the heat between her and her dad without her brother so she's going to SM Teknik Sejingkat. Last of all, Haizutul is the last to tell me this kind of news and is the first to go. She has to go Limbang because her dad is transferred there. Why must all of them go to a faraway place?
They have been the longest and truest friends I've ever had and I don't know who to be around with if I hadn't met them .I considered transferring to my mother's school but I'm afraid I might regret it. I don't even know why since I won't have anything to make me stay anymore. I'll just go back to being a lonely emo girl like I used to be in Year 6.
When growing up you'll lose friends you would always miss and keep in your heart. I hate the cruel truth of it all.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
To Love or Not To Love?
On the day I got my keyboard I wanted to remember the face of the guy in the music shop. I felt deep in my heart a wanting to meet him over and over again. It bothers me that I couldn't stop thinking about him night and day. My heart would beat really fast at the thought of him.
When we entered the shop the first person I saw was him and he wore a leather jacket that made him look like Adam Lambert. He was the one who showed us my keyboard, brought it out, tested it and everything. I didn't dare stand near him until my mom pushed me next to him to see if the keyboard works right. I smiled widely with fake intentions. The smile wasn't about the keyboard but for him. He, too, smiled at it even through the whole time we were there. The butterflies kept flying in my stomach. I had to drag my sister around laughing and joking around with me to avoid him noticing my true intentions.
The keyboard was heavy so he brought it to the car for us. Oh My God!! My nervous level skyrocketed especially when we took the elevator down and the elevator was really small. Outside, my mom took the car around so, the three of us waited for her. My heart was beating faster then. I'm so lucky it didn't took long for my mom to drive her car around.
On that day I heard his voice that was just as mesmerizing as his eyes and smile. I'm so lucky I went to there to buy my keyboard. After that day, I try to think about him everyday and try remember his face every night before I sleep. Unfortunately, I failed to remember anything about him unless something triggered my memory.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Ms Ridiculous
After school tomorrow, I'm getting my piano keyboard with my mom and sis. I felt so excited and jittery since yesterday. My fingers have been practicing all the piece I knew and I totally need the practice. At the same time, my sister is getting her guitar tuner and probably a guitar stand as well.
Actually, I didn't wanna go with my mom but I thought I could use the chance to catch a glimpse of that really cute guy who works there. If not then it would be just because I wanna hold the keyboard. It is a good excuse to go there. Besides, I'm only doing it to see if I do have a thing for this guy since I've been having interests in a lot of guys.
This story calls for another time when I have my details.
Actually, I didn't wanna go with my mom but I thought I could use the chance to catch a glimpse of that really cute guy who works there. If not then it would be just because I wanna hold the keyboard. It is a good excuse to go there. Besides, I'm only doing it to see if I do have a thing for this guy since I've been having interests in a lot of guys.
This story calls for another time when I have my details.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Guy at the Music Shop
This morning I had school. I was worried that I was gonna be late for my piano lesson but I wasn't - thank goodness. My mom brought me for lunch after school near the music academy so we were early. Before I went for my class I was a little gloomy but it didn't get the best of me. Nothing was absolutely wrong until my stomach had pains all over my belly-button area. I went through the lesson as usual anyway. The lesson was really hard this time 'cos I never did practice.
When I finished I told my mom about it and she considered on surveying some piano keyboards. I said we could go to the Yamaha shop near the King Center but my mom already passed the turn so we went to Lee's Music Center instead. I thought, Oh my gosh, what if there's no keyboard, 'cos last time I was there I didn't see any. However, when I got in closer inside there were.
I have struck gold at Lee's and you wanna know why? One, the keyboard we found was good and my mom's buying it on Monday. Second, I saw that cute guy who works there. I've seen him before when my sister changed the string on her guitar. Not only is he cute he's also silent and shy. Plus, he looks like this actor I always see on CSI. Weird thing was he was brown all over. His hair, his skin and his shirt was totally brown as if he's camouflaging himself.
I was giggling on the inside and always glancing at him. I even caught him glancing at me or was he just looking at the guy who explained to us about the keyboard? Well, whatever it is he's a total cutie.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Damn! It just got more intense than last week when I was at school. Handball looks real hard when you do it with like 27 other girls. FYI, my pressure level went up a little high when I saw a ton of guys came. I get pretty nervous and embarrassed when in front of guys even if they're looking or not. Luckily, all the dudes are being duds 'sporting it out' and focused on training and stuff. I only joined for the heck of it and I hate staying at home after school.
I stayed after school so I didn't have anybody to hang around with. All I did was stare and sketch stuff. All I saw were nothing on the field and I stayed there just in case if I missed out on anything. What I didn't know was there was a members' meeting in the AV room. Thankfully, they were just choosing who would be the head of Form for girls and guys. So I guess it wasn't really that important for me anyway.
When we got on the field, the field wasn't hard and dusty as I expected but soft and muddy which made our legs and feet dirty. We took a few laps around the field and started practicing passes like last week. I paired up with a girl name Janice. She's really nice and we both just started handball. I dropped the ball several times on the first try but improved on the second try. After in pairs,we did in threes which is easier if you're on the sides and not the center.
After that, we tried some passing exercises. I just learned other techniques to pass and two of them I didn't do well. When I tried to catch the ball with one hand, it rolled over my arm. I think I was the only one who can't catch with one hand. We also did passes and catches in a random way. It was fun.
In conclusion, I think handball practice is a lot more fun and easy than when in the real game.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Who was the best teacher you've ever had?
unbelievably, my fav teacher is Cikgu Lee E Ling but Cikgu Chin Lee Na is still my fav teacher
Play It Out
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Casio CTK2100 |
My parents are gonna look for a keyboard but it'll take some time 'cos we don't know the right model and don't have as much as RM4-5k to buy one. If that's surprising my dad is considering to buy his friend's dad's Kawai piano and Kawai is the best brand which makes it super expensive even if it's a second-hand piano. Instead of getting the big piano why not look for a piano keyboard which I can bring around wherever, whenever.
At school, I asked some friends who would know where to buy a piano keyboard and most of them only know the ones with 88 keys which is for the advance players. What I need is a 61-key piano keyboard. Besides, it's not like I have a few more years to level up to Grade 8. For all I know I think I'll only make to Grade 2 or 3 'cos I won't have all the free time to take lessons in 2-3 years. By then, I'll be deciding which university or college to go to.
Compared to me my friend told me there's a Grade 8 pianist in her class and it's someone I didn't expect to have played piano before. The girl looks like some kind of racist snob instead of an advanced pianist. Honestly, the pianists my friend knows in her class are all snobby and thinks thy're so high classed. Yeah right!! Talk to the hand if you think you're all that!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Sporting It Out
I have just joined my school's bola baling team for girls. At first, I thought it would be intense and hard but slowly it becomes more and more fun. And it's totally easy. I wanted to stay after school with Vanessa but I feel like I needed a shower and she's not sure if it's gonna rain or not 'cos it's been raining a lot lately.
When I got home, showered and everything I went out lunch with my mom. Vanessa wanted to walk to school so I went to her house and guess what, she was making sushi when I got there! Who makes sushi before they go for sports?! Though it tasted GOOD =D When we walked I got so tired trying to keep up with her. She walks really fast and I brought my bag with me. Besides, if I try to run, my apam balik will break to pieces. More worse, I thought my appendix was about to burst. Finally, after a 20 minute walk we reached school.
We were actually in a hurry to get to school 'cos we thought we were late but we got there just in time. At first, I felt unnatural and followed Vanessa or Michelle around but after a while I was okay and got around by myself just fine.We first ran across the small field 10 times - but we only did 8 - to warm up. Then went on to passes in pairs and learned to strike with one hand. It made me so alive just being out with my feet in the wet dirt and having to run around outdoors with the wind blowing. In the team, I know most of the girls' name 'cos they were my sister's friends. When a Form 5 mentioned my name, they were like "Who is that?", "A new person, kah?" - the usual. Majority of bola baling players are guys and girls are like 1/3 of the guys. Also one of the reasons I didn't feel natural when on the field.
Well, this is all. The first time I ever joined a sport.
When I got home, showered and everything I went out lunch with my mom. Vanessa wanted to walk to school so I went to her house and guess what, she was making sushi when I got there! Who makes sushi before they go for sports?! Though it tasted GOOD =D When we walked I got so tired trying to keep up with her. She walks really fast and I brought my bag with me. Besides, if I try to run, my apam balik will break to pieces. More worse, I thought my appendix was about to burst. Finally, after a 20 minute walk we reached school.
We were actually in a hurry to get to school 'cos we thought we were late but we got there just in time. At first, I felt unnatural and followed Vanessa or Michelle around but after a while I was okay and got around by myself just fine.We first ran across the small field 10 times - but we only did 8 - to warm up. Then went on to passes in pairs and learned to strike with one hand. It made me so alive just being out with my feet in the wet dirt and having to run around outdoors with the wind blowing. In the team, I know most of the girls' name 'cos they were my sister's friends. When a Form 5 mentioned my name, they were like "Who is that?", "A new person, kah?" - the usual. Majority of bola baling players are guys and girls are like 1/3 of the guys. Also one of the reasons I didn't feel natural when on the field.
Well, this is all. The first time I ever joined a sport.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
what topic would be interesting for an English oral?
what topic would be interesting for an English oral?
Answer here
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
If you were stranded on a desert island, which one person would you bring with you?
If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would you get?
pizza!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pepperoni
Friday, January 7, 2011
Why have a boyfriend or girlfriend? Or, why have a relationship?
Why have a boyfriend or girlfriend? Or, why have a relationship?
Answer here
What's your favorite school subject, and why's it your favorite?
English. I like to read English books and creative writing. English literature is also my fav.
what do you think about perfectionists?
i think they're lame, obnoxious and jerks. who the hell do they think they are?
What do u do if ur friends try 2 rampas ur bf?
then they're not my friends. what i would do is just ignore "my friends"
Monday, January 3, 2011
OMG, school felt like an hour! I totally didn't know school was almost over until I saw my watch. Guess I spent a lot of talking than paying attention in class. Though, there weren't any lessons so there was a chance for catching up with some friends. And it seems like it was just the usual with my friends, gone to places, gotten new stuff and a little bit of change of looks and personality. Well, that's part of your teen years - changing.
The new school hour is great! Morning feels short and the weather is cooling so I won't feel drained or tired when I get to school. What I don't like about it is I hate cold water in the morning and there is a certain person who I'd like to avoid. Unfortunately, our blocks face each other. What's worse was I saw that person and his friends tried to tease me. That was kinda weird. What's weirder is there's a ton of people making a new year's resolution. Some just wanna be nicer and some wanna be more "alim". The alim part is the weirdest, I mean who would wanna be all goody-goody. It's not like it's gonna get you through your studies - totally won't.
The new school hour is great! Morning feels short and the weather is cooling so I won't feel drained or tired when I get to school. What I don't like about it is I hate cold water in the morning and there is a certain person who I'd like to avoid. Unfortunately, our blocks face each other. What's worse was I saw that person and his friends tried to tease me. That was kinda weird. What's weirder is there's a ton of people making a new year's resolution. Some just wanna be nicer and some wanna be more "alim". The alim part is the weirdest, I mean who would wanna be all goody-goody. It's not like it's gonna get you through your studies - totally won't.
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