
Been obsessed with books and writing since I was 8 years old. Then I lost it when I pursued writing in college. Now, I'm trying to find that drive again.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

I Still Think About You (Dumb*ss)

It's been months since we broke up and weeks since I last saw you. I really wished you never existed because then, I wouldn't be suffering with your broken promises and false memories. But for you to stop existing, you'd have to die and I don't want you to be dead. So now, I dwell in regrets that I ever told you to continue Form 6 because I Hate You more, now. I can't express in words how much I loathe you and no actions can describe how much hurt you left inside me when you didn't keep your promises to me while I still kept my promises to you. I hate you Harrison Linang!!!!


  1. tu savais que ton nom est le meme qu'une actrice pornographique ?

    1. frenchie stupide. il ya beaucoup de personnes nommées emma qui ne sont PAS actrices porno.

  2. if u still think bout yr ex... wht about yr current bf? the nameless guy.. or is he just an imaginary bf?

    1. my current bf is nameless because i don't want my dad to know, since he reads my blog. thankfully, now, i'm starting to forget my ex.
