
Been obsessed with books and writing since I was 8 years old. Then I lost it when I pursued writing in college. Now, I'm trying to find that drive again.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

school dilemma

I've had friend dilemmas and relationship dilemmas and some family dilemmas but this would be a first for school dilemmas. Though some might think that I'm having trouble with studies and stuff like that but, I'm not.
I'm actually still in the process of deciding which school to go to. It feels like I'm choosing a goddamn college. But, decisions are hard when you're young and just starting something new, like me.You have to prioritise something so you could have a better - or glamorous - life to live.
However, I prioritise FUN in choosing my subject and environment even when it's not the normal definition of fun. To me, I find Maths and Science is fun to do and to learn but it's not the kind of field of career that I want. I want something carefree, creative and not stressful. Something in the field of arts is just fine.
Maybe I should stay, but what if I regret not learning fashion? What if I don't have the experience to achieve fashion when I further my studies? What if?

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