
Been obsessed with books and writing since I was 8 years old. Then I lost it when I pursued writing in college. Now, I'm trying to find that drive again.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Desperate or Over-excited? I

About two weeks ago, I was hanging out with my not single gal pals at school and we were complaining and telling each other about our boyfriends. So the three of us were just saying how cute and sweet and sometimes how annoying and irritating our boyfriends can be. Until, Charlotte told me Harrison almost got engaged(in marriage) with his ex before me. That he once took a bus from Kuching to Bintangor to, I assume, propose to her.
At first, I didn't believe it but Charlotte has never been wrong about things she's told me and he is the kind of guy who would do stuff like this. The whole thing bugged me a lot and I so badly wanted to ask Harrison about it. But I didn't ask him straight away. Instead, I let it out to Arine and she concludes that he is desperate to find love and that he is the desperate kind of guy. I guess it is true, he is the over-desperate kind of guy. Another proof of his love desperation would be from Worried on Relationship.

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