
Been obsessed with books and writing since I was 8 years old. Then I lost it when I pursued writing in college. Now, I'm trying to find that drive again.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

PKBM Dinner

If people thought it was some formal dinner, then you thought wrong because 10 of us who went for the perkhemahan had steamboat. I for one actually hate steamboat but I went because it wasn't a steamboat dinner with my family. Surprisingly, the guys were better cook than the girls. Well, now it doesn't seem so surprising since us girls were all tomboys and never took ERT. Our hot pots were much messier and disorganized than the guys'. It didn't take us long to cook, then eat but the guys spent the whole time cooking while eating. I don't get how men can eat so much. Still, it was fun. Cikgu Jessing was supposed to be around and if not, Cikgu Nazlin but fortunately they weren't around. Cuz we had a blast just being left alone there with no adults, unless if you can call Affieq- our "retired" PKBM leader -an adult. He only came to check on us and give the money which Cikgu Jessing is paying for the dinner.
Most of our food was meat and it took a while to cook 'em. I guess that's why most of our food was a little burnt. Still, we enjoyed it because we had each other to hang with. Hahaha! I remember that Hazel, Mohd Noor and Aziz laughed the most. It made everyone stare at us as if we were crazy drunks. Well at least we were crazy from the fun and food, not because of some alcohol. I guess I can say Mohd Noor and Hazel laughed like a pontianak while Aziz laughed like an old lady who hasn't laughed in years. Even their laugh made the rest of us laugh.

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