
Been obsessed with books and writing since I was 8 years old. Then I lost it when I pursued writing in college. Now, I'm trying to find that drive again.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Got Friends, Got...?

I am so frustrated! Sometimes stuck. This is all about some friends of mine, Jo and Tul. I'm not saying they're bad friends but are just so into themselves.
Ever since they were cast out of "the gang" they talk about the same thing over and over. Jo's against LAH and Tul's against FaBoy. These pairs used to be the best of friends until some certain people got in the way and a friend is not always a friend.
Jo and Tul has a lot to say about the pain and backstabbing they have felt. LAH tried to ruin Jo's relationships, told outrageous lies and bragged about stuff she doesn't have. FaBoy just have too many ego in his pants and is just too oblivious 'bout himself. I had to agree about it. I mean, it's all true and lot's of people would've said the same.
My role in all of this is nothing. I'm partly with "the gang" but full on with Jo and Tul. They just don't give much about me 'cos I totally have no connection about their problem.
I hate being different but that's what I do and what I am.

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