
Been obsessed with books and writing since I was 8 years old. Then I lost it when I pursued writing in college. Now, I'm trying to find that drive again.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Article: Cause of Stress among Teenagers

This is what my oral is supposed to be and what I will present tomorrow. I'm only posting it so that other people who have assignments with this particular title can have an idea on how to write their assignments =)

Generally, stress is a term often used when someone feels overloaded with pressure. It is also the body’s reaction to changes that requires sudden physical, mental or emotional adjustments. Among teenagers, stress is often caused by social or academic pressure as well as their condition at home.
            One of the most emphasized times of a teenager’s life is their life as a student. Students usually pressure themselves into studying harder because they aim for a higher grade in exams and want to impress their teachers. Moreover, they study hard also because it is an academic demand as they may be able to graduate with distinction. Also, students pressure themselves to excel in their extra-curricular activities as the achievements in these activities are able to give prominence to the students’ reputation in the future. Other than that, excessive school work assignments such as daily homework as well as forgotten homework due to packed schedule and important projects with deadlines contribute to the given pressure on the student causing them to experience unnecessary stress.
            Another cause of stress among teenagers would be the imbalance in their social being. Nowadays, a situation where a teenager is caught in peer pressure is a by-product of their desire to fit in among other teenagers. A teenager becomes stressed when given the pressure to decide whether to follow or disregard a certain trend which will save them a spot in a certain social group. In the event of the teenager giving in to the peer pressure, the teenager will later on waste time and energy improving and maintaining that social status to show that they fit in that social group. What is more, teenagers feel stressed when they are emotionally exhausted trying to find the time to spend between their significant other and friends.
            Lastly, the condition of the teenager at home can affect their academic performance and social attitude outside the home. One of the factors of the teenager’s negative attitude would be arguments between family members. These arguments are often triggered by financial problems, sometimes lack of responsibility at home and lack of tolerance among siblings. In some cases, teenagers will feel stressed when they have siblings whom have their own academic and social problem as well as parents going through separation or divorce.

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