
Been obsessed with books and writing since I was 8 years old. Then I lost it when I pursued writing in college. Now, I'm trying to find that drive again.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Dear, ... How Are You?

Dear Arine,
Dear Natasha,
Dear Avie,
Dear Harrison,

How are all of you? I hope each of you are doing better than I am and are striving to achieve your long-term goal. I'd send this to all of you but I don't have your snail mail address.
I really miss each and everyone of you, truly. I miss having every one of you playing a part in my life to keep me balanced. Each and everyone of you are my inspiration and motivation in life. I thank you all for that. I couldn't have any better inspirations and motivators in my life. Thank you for being my super-awesome-amazing-funny best friends.
I could never find any better friends than all of you. Thank you. You are dearly missed.


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