My euphoria didn't last until today but it was satisfying.
I had news from Amy about
Harrison four days ago. I didn't want to hear about him at all because I just want to get over the thoughts of him. But, I perked up when Amy mentioned about his failed relationships after me. I was like "OH YEEAAAHHHH!!!!", then let out a long sigh. I was filled wit cruel happiness and relief at the same time. Cruel happy because the bad side of me was happy that his relationships after me didn't last long and weren't based on genuine feelings. Relief because the grief and depression weighing on my shoulders were finally lifted knowing that he couldn't have his perfect relationship.
*being evil*
I heard the girl he dated after me made him a scandal. She was actually dating someone else (someone
Harrison knew)
before she dated him. I think she got tired of him so she broke up with him without him or the other guy knowing about the scandal. *MHHUUUAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA*