
Been obsessed with books and writing since I was 8 years old. Then I lost it when I pursued writing in college. Now, I'm trying to find that drive again.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Ever since Haizatul moved to Marudi, near Brunei, she's been texting me about how everything is there. Mostly I hear her saying there about the totally HOT and cute guys there who also have pretty cool names like Laurent, Johanness, Selastin and Ireanus. Not common names here yet it sound so European. 
Haizatul's seen Laurent's sexy bod but the dudes taken by a pretty girl. One thing she told me is that Laurent asked if she wants to have sex with him BUT he was just joking, testing if she knows how to speak chinese. Thank God! Oh yeah, she even said Laurent made out with his girlfriend in their class, right in their faces. Wow, I know my school has students like that but we rarely see 'em live like Haizatul!
One conflict she's got is that she's crushing on two kinds of guys; Selastin and Ireanus; both best friends. She's been asking who does she have to pick if both guys asked her to be their girlfriend. Well, I don't know them so it's really up to her yet she's confused 'cuz Selastin bugs her a lot but is really nice and close to her, too and Ireanus is a patient and friendly guy who makes people laugh. If only there was a third choice who has both qualities. Though, it's best not to wait for a third one 'cuz no.1 it takes too long and no.2 too much options makes it harder to choose.
Haizatul did ask me if a guy challenged me to take a candy out of his mouth, would I do it? Well, if that guy is my boyfriend or a HOT who's trying to hit on me, yes, I would. If not, no way...I wonder what anyone else would do?

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